+ (54 11) 4704-6100

Centros de interpretación FUNAFU

Version español

Molinos Interpretive Center.

The historical house where Don Indalecio Gómez once lived was made the most of in five differential use sectors. This was based on the wishes and opinions expressed on the different encounters with the various sectors of the local community (municipal authorities, artisans, inhabitants, religious men, etc.), with provincial authorities (of heritage and tourism) and with some specialists who have worked or are working in the region.

The tour was arranged in five sectors: Main entrance – tourism office – local crafts exhibition room Interpretive Center, divided into five different areas itself Educational area for children Multiple uses salon Courtyard and stage Touring through the Interpretive Center The tour begins in an information room for the tourist, where high-quality local crafts are exhibited and sold. A multiple-uses salon allows us to give lectures, courses and workshops on themes related to heritage or tourism. Finally, we end at the old house’s courtyards, with a beautiful panoramic view of the area; this was built for the purpose of encouraging musical, poetic or artistic presentations that would reactivate the cultural offerings of Molinos for both the tourist and local people. The team of architects in charge of the house restoration, reconditioned an area adjacent to the courtyard that allows for regional typical foods preparation that complement well the center`s proposal. The duration of the visit may take between 30 to 45 minutes, according to the level of interest of the visitor.

RSE. Responsabilidad Social Empresaria